Ruter Dam of the Year 2021
Anna Borg - CEO Vattenfall
Anna Borg has been named Ruter Woman of the Year 2021 – an honor awarded to the woman who has been promoted to the most influential managerial position in Swedish business during the past year.
- It is extremely gratifying to receive this award. Ruter Dam is an important business network and has definitely contributed to the fact that there are more female managers in business today than twenty years ago. It is a network that is very much alive and that is also growing all the time, says Anna Borg.
Ruter Dam of the Year 2021 is awarded to Anna Borg, who has been CEO of Vattenfall since November 2020. Anna has a long and successful career within Vattenfall where she was employed in 1999. One of the first jobs at Vattenfall was as head of strategy and business development for Vattenfall Trading and has subsequently held various management positions at the company. During 2015-2017, Anna made a detour from Vattenfall to Klarna where she was Head of the Nordic region before returning to Vattenfall as business area manager and then CFO in the years before she was appointed CEO. Vattenfall was founded in 1909 and has approximately 20,000 employees. The company has 14 million customers and in 2020 net sales amounted to SEK 159 billion.
- Anna Borg is a leader who is not afraid of change and who is passionate about leading the energy industry towards a more sustainable future. Since she took office, Anna has increased the speed for Vattenfall to become a fossil-free company by, among other things, investing in renewable energy such as offshore wind power. Anna is inspired by leading in change and her leadership is characterized by courage, delegating and providing the best conditions for the employees to do as good a job as possible. Anna Borg is a true role model and we are extra proud of the fact that she also attended Ruter Dam in 2010, says Marika Lundsten, CEO of Ruter Dam.

Amanda Hjärtmyr, Micael Bindefeld AB
+46 73 938 78 66
Marika Lundsten, vd Ruter Dam & Spader Ess
+ 46 70 384 85 75
Natalie Sial, Presschef Vattenfall Sverige
+46 70 191 93 61
The honorary award Ruter Dam of the Year has been awarded every year since 1990. The awardee is appointed by Ruter Dam's CEO Marika Lundsten together with the board consisting of Gunnel Duveblad, Anna Borg, Heléne Mellquist, Karin Eliason and Eva Krutmeijer. The selection process takes into account the company's size, turnover and the female manager's degree of power and influence. Ruter Dam's board continuously monitors appointments at the highest management levels. At a jury meeting, it is decided which woman has been promoted to the highest position with the greatest responsibility in Swedish business during the year.