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Here you can find the latest news from us at Ruter Dam

Start-up meeting in the Business network
Mutually beneficial discussions, high spirits and joy to meet each other again at our annual start-up party! The participants came away...

Christmas party at Xvii in Gothenburg
Lovely atmosphere and networking during yesterday's Christmas party at Xvii in Gothenburg! We got to listen to Caroline Krensler,...

Company visit at Sveriges Radio
Our company visit to Sveriges Radio was a deep dive into the dynamic world of the media industry. Cilla Benkö , CEO, opened up about...

Network breakfast about Sweden's membership application to NATO
Informative networking breakfast with an in-depth look at one of the world's most influential defense alliances, NATO (North Atlantic...

Business mingling on the Ruter Ladies Day of the Year
After a fantastic day together, we ended the Year's Ruter Dam Day 2023 with our valued business gathering with invited guests from the...

Many thanks for the Ruter Women's Day of the Year 2023
This year's Ruter Dam Day had the theme " Change - for the world, business and the individual ". The opening speaker was Christian Levin...

Network lunch in Gothenburg
We got to listen to our guest speaker Lotta Brändström, business area manager at Peab, who has extensive experience as a leader in both...

Company visit at Munters
Artificial intelligence (AI) was the theme when we visited Munters last week! During the visit, we got an insightful insight into the...
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