Ruter Dam
Executive Development and Mentoring Program for senior female managers

The aim is that the participants will advance to a higher management position within their company.
Ruter Dam was founded more than 35 years ago and more than 1500 female managers have undergone the one-year Executive Development and Mentoring Program, many of which are holding high positions in Swedish business today. The program is unique and has a great business focus. Through mentorship, networking and the development of personal leadership, participants will become ready to take the next step in their careers.
The application for Ruter Dam 2025 is now closed. Please contact Marika.lundsten@ruterdam.com for futher questions.

Seminars in 6 modules (20 days)
Module 1: Monitoring of the environment and deepening in Swedish business life, Personal leadership
Module 2: Digital transformation, innovation and strategic leadership
Module 3: Perspectives on power and gender-aware leadership
Module 4: Sustainability and board work
Module 5: Global outlook - threats and opportunities As well as start-up meetings Note.
Minor changes may occur during the year.
Business network
A strong business network is the basis for coping with ups and downs during your career. Ruter Dam attaches great importance to creating a strong, trusting network in its own grade. After the Ruter Dam year, participants are offered membership in Ruter Dam's large business network, open only to those who have attended Ruter Dam. This professional network with a focus on "business" carries out about 40 activities a year digitally and in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Participants in the Ruter Dam program may participate free of charge in Ruter Dam's business network during the year.
An internal and an external top-level company leader mentor and challenge the participant to take the next step in their career within their company. Ruter Dam's target group is senior, female managers at a high level in their careers at large companies. Line managers with responsibility for results have priority. The number of places is limited. Nomination takes place via group management / HR.
Ruter Dam is responsible for the group composition where the goal is to create a dynamic group for maximum exchange of experience. The seminars are conducted in Swedish.
Dates 2025
Start-up: 7-10 January
Module 1: 28 - 31 January
Module 2: 4 -7 March
Module 3: 13 - 16 May
Module 4: 9 - 12 September
Module 5: 11-14 November
The seminars will be held at conference venue. Mandatory overnight stay.
Apply by using the link at the top of this page. Deadline for application is 13 June 2024.
Please contact Marika Lundsten marika.lundsten@ruterdam.com if you would like further information!