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Network lunch in Gothenburg

Friday 1 September was the "start of the term" for Ruter Dam's Gothenburg lunches.

Our first guest was Lill Andreasson, CEO of Spinverse Sweden AB. Lill has long worked with entrepreneurs and helped with their various growth journeys. The current assignment in Spinverse AB is about helping other companies to finance sustainable transformation through public financing. Lill freely shared his experiences and talked a lot about the importance of letting go of the "Big Brother-Little Brother Complex". In the current role, Lill works with a parent company based in Finland. Based on that, interesting discussions were held about differences and similarities between Finnish and Swedish leadership. Lill urged us all to learn more about our shared history to gain a greater understanding of how we act.

After an as always good and inspiring lunch at the Gothenburg Opera, we set out in the late summer and look forward to the next lunch on October 6.


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